As you may know it is a slightly quieter time of year for us Equine Photographers and so we are making the most of it. This means long walks with the fur family and a meet up with the Kent Cockapoo club.

Mote Park Kent Cockapoo Walk: Sunshine and happy days

It won’t have escaped anyone’s attention that the weather has been really rather rubbish. Very wet and very grey- yuk. This was not the case though last weekend and we woke up to gorgeous sunny day which even felt less than Baltic. Margaux has always had issues with large dogs and big crowds. We aren’t really sure why but it’s something we need to work on. With this in mind we thought we would attend the Kent Cockapoo walk last Saturday. Now previous posts have suggested there is normally about 10 dogs, all cockapoos, which is great because they are Margaux’s fave! Excitedly we all piled into the car. Armed with a portable dog wash, lots of towels and of course the camera.

Mote Park Kent Cockapoo Walk: New exploring

The venue was Mote Park, somewhere I have childhood memories off, but I hadn’t been in a while. We pulled up and I was super impressed at the ample parking. Also, the rate was reasonable, just £2 for the day.  Already we could spot Cockapoos, I think the sunshine had coaxed us all out. We assembled at the meeting point and one by one more and more ‘poos’ joined us. Hmmmmm this was rather more than we anticipated but hey we were there now. Eventually there were about 30 ‘poos- assembled and Margaux looked less than enthusiastic about the whole affair. We thought we could just hang out at the back and see how we got on but somehow, we ended up in the thick of it. Poor Margaux got very scared as she couldn’t see us. At this point we thought about turning back but felt this would reinforce the behaviour and so we pushed on. Hanging out at the back and chatting to people.

Mote Park Kent Cockapoo Walk: Finally some fun

The walk went on a lovely loop around Mote Park which has a very accessible walkway and also plenty of space for them to go off the lead. There were toilets and a café which is always handy for a post walk hot choccie. We also passed a gorgeous picturesque pond which just had photoshoot written all over it. On we went and bit by bit Margaux got happier and more confident. We met a lovely cuddly ‘poo’ called Bailey who was just delightful, and Margaux found a friend in Misty. The two of them were play fighting, boxing and causing general mischief. At the end of the walk we all stopped for a group picture and eventually the group thinned out.



Kent Cockapoo Mote Park by Frog and Field


Kent Cockapoo Mote Park by Frog and Field



Well done Kent Cockapoos for organising such a lovely morning and we will be sure to join you again soon.


Overview of Kent Cockapoo Walk at Mote Park


  • Parking- Yes! Ample, hard standing and just £2 for the whole day.
  • Toilets-Yes. Although I didn’t test them 😉
  • Café- Yes again, not sure about dogs inside but there was plenty of outdoor seating
  • Off Lead-Another yes! Lots of room to play and huge open areas.
  • Dog Entertainment: good, lot to rootle in loads of places to swim etc.
  • Tranquillity- Early would be great but a LOT of families, bikes and prams.
  • Walkways-Paths that are mud free and more than able to take a buggy or pram
  • Nearby Pub- Not that I’ve visited and not that you can walk too

Next blog post: RC Equine Bodyworks- a small business startup

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